Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Basics Of Rubella Virus

If you want to gain information regarding the disease called German measles also known as Rubella, then this article will provide you with all the basic information you require. Rubella is the name of a virus that causes an increase in the amount of lymph nodes that are present in the body. Along with his it also presents a rash. Rubella vaccine can help decrease and eliminate the chances of a person suffering from this infection and has over the years decreased the occurrence of it as well.

When it comes to this rubella that is two main types of infections which include:

· Red measles - this rubella virus is known to present hard measles. This disease might lead to pneumonia's occurrence as well and in severe conditions may cause brain inflammation. This disease isn't deadly and one can recover from it, if medicine and care is taken within due course of time.

· The second type of rubella virus that can attach to a person is known as German measles. This is also called "three day measles". This type of virus is more severe and can present numerous defects in the fetus, if a pregnant woman catches this virus.

The main cause of this disease is the fact that it is viral. One person can catch it from another one simply by being in the same room as the germs travel through the airways, so you can catch it by breathing in and out. It can also spread if you are in close proximity with someone who sneezes or coughs. You should know that a person can only get this disease once, after which his body produces necessary antibodies that can fight against the virus without the disease spreading. So if you have had it once, then you do not need to worry about getting again.

A few of the rubella symptoms include:

· High fever along with red eyes

· Person feeling tired and exhausted

· Severe headache which is also aggravated by the fever

· Appearance of a rash on the body

· Tender lymph nodes which can be felt behind the neck

· As the disease spreads so does the rash, which also turns pink in color and moves from the face downwards

· Joint pain in older victims

· In pregnant women, it can cause major birth defects such as heart defects, learning and hearing disabilities and cataracts.

So make sure you are vaccinated especially if you are trying to conceive, since German measles and pregnancy are very dangerous for one another. Get yourself vaccinated for Rubella to make sure you are safe from it.

Pregnancy And Anaemia - Learn About The Causes And Find Out What You Can Do   

The Three Trimesters of Pregnancy

The journey through pregnancy is divided into three distinct trimesters, each representing different joys and challenges. The first trimester spans weeks 1-12, and is the shortest of the three trimesters of pregnancy. A woman usually does not know she is pregnant until she is about four to six weeks pregnant, which is when a store bought pregnancy test is able to detect the presence of the pregnancy hormone in the urine. Before taking a test, there are signs and symptoms which can be attributed to pregnancy. These include nausea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, fatigue and the most obvious symptoms, a missed period.

The first trimester therefore goes by pretty quick. Once pregnancy is confirmed a blood test is normally scheduled to make sure the mother is in good health and prepared for the task ahead of nurturing the growing fetus into a healthy infant. Pre-natal vitamins are usually prescribed during the first trimester and they are important in the prevention of neural tube defects in the unborn child. For most women the first trimester goes by quickly but for others it seems like a long, and agonizing twelve weeks. Morning sickness affects some women more than others. For some the nausea and vomiting can become very severe and warrant medical intervention. This is why it is important to have your pregnancy followed closely by a certified healthcare provider.

The second trimester which spans weeks 13-27 is for most women, the most pleasant of the three trimesters of pregnancy. It is during this phase that a woman gets to know the sex of the baby she is carrying if she wishes to and it is also during this trimester that she begins to show physical signs of her pregnancy. For the fashionista mom, she can begin to integrate some stylish maternity wear to her wardrobe because her regular clothes will not fit much longer. It is also during the second trimester of pregnancy that you begin to feel your baby move around in your uterus. These precious moments are part of what make the second trimester of pregnancy a favorite among most moms.

The third trimester which spans weeks 28-40 is usually a difficult period for most women. The baby is bulking up and so are you, and getting around is proving more difficult by the day. Sleeping is also difficult as it is interrupted by frequent urination and it is often hard to find a comfortable position with your belly protruding. Some women also begin to get nervous as they read more and more about labor and delivery. As the day draws nearer, excitement mounts and before you know it you're a mom and you cannot begin to understand just how much you love your little one.

Pregnancy And Anaemia - Learn About The Causes And Find Out What You Can Do   

Pregnancy And Anaemia - Learn About The Causes And Find Out What You Can Do

Due to the high demand for minerals such as iron during pregnancy, many pregnant women are diagnosed with anaemia. Since a pregnant woman is eating and breathing for two, it is very important that she gets the optimum level of nutrients required to optimize her and her baby's health. Despite the availability of health supplements for pregnancy, it cannot be denied that many pregnant women are still diagnosed with certain conditions such as anaemia. How is this possible?

Anaemia and Its Causes Anaemia is a health condition primarily characterized by insufficiency of red blood cells which is normally caused by an increased loss or reduced production of red blood cells. Vitamin B12, folic acid and iron are very essential minerals which play vital roles in the formation and production of red blood cells. Without these minerals, anaemia is very likely to occur.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause anaemia. It actually plays a vital role in the formation of red blood cells. Meanwhile, folic acid plays an important role in the production of healthy red blood cells. Insufficient level of red blood cells results to the insufficient production of red blood cells which transports oxygen to other tissues of the body.

According to research, during pregnancy, the volume of blood in the body increases by almost 50%. This is your body's natural way of supporting your baby's growth and development. However, if the body does not get adequate amount of nutrients such as iron, it may not be able to produce the required amount of red blood cells.

Increased blood supply usually leads to a reduced haemoglobin concentration. This means that the body requires more iron to produce haemoglobin. Iron plays an essential role in the formation of haemoglobin. It is a protein found in red blood cells that transports oxygen to other cells as well as to the foetus in the uterus.

Anaemia during Pregnancy Many pregnant women are surprised to know that they are anaemic during their pregnancy. Even if you are not anaemic prior to your pregnancy, it is not uncommon to develop such condition during this period. Your baby has an excellent way of getting his iron need. He actually gets his share of iron before you do. This makes you very prone to suffer from anaemia if you don't get sufficient amount of iron daily. This condition is very common during the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

Mild anaemia is said to be very common during pregnancy. However, severe forms of anaemia should treated well during this crucial stage as it can place your baby at a greater risk for anaemia during its infancy. Also, it increases your risk for pre-term delivery and low-birth weight.

Symptoms of Anaemia in Pregnant Women During pregnancy, the placenta and the foetus have their own requirement for red blood cells. They actually obtained it from the mother. When the body does not get sufficient amount of iron, the body becomes anaemic and symptoms of anaemia begin to occur. These symptoms include extreme tiredness, weakness and dizziness.

Other pregnant women tend to notice that they have become paler. The underside of their eyelids, lips and fingernails have become pale. Furthermore, symptoms such as heart palpitations, irritability, shortness of breath, trouble in concentrating, headache and rapid heartbeat tend to occur. Some research revealed that some women who have been diagnosed with severe iron deficiency tend to develop cravings for non-food substances such as clay, paper and ice.

What Causes Anaemia in Pregnant Women Pregnant women are probably one of the most susceptible to anaemia. There are actually lots of reasons on why pregnant women are very likely to suffer from anaemia. Aside from their increased demand for iron, the lack of folic acid and Vitamin B12 also plays a vital role in the development of this condition.

Observing a diet which is low in iron can also contribute to the onset of this condition. Vegetarian women should make sure that their diet contains ample amount of iron to prevent anaemia. Loss of blood due to stomach ulcer and haemorrhoids can also be a contributing factor to anaemia. Women who have heavy menstrual flow prior to their pregnancy are also at a greater risk for anaemia.

Those who vomit frequently due to morning sickness are also prone to suffer from anaemia. Pregnant women who are carrying twins or triplets are very prone to suffer from anaemia due to their excessive demand for iron. Inherited blood disorders like sickle cell disease can also trigger the onset of anaemia.

What Can You Do To Prevent Anaemia during Pregnancy Observing a healthy and fit diet is definitely one of the best measures to observe to prevent anaemia. Getting a good nutrition is one of the major keys in preventing anaemia. Diet should be composed of foods which are known to be rich in iron such as cereals, beef, spinach, dried fruits, eggs and wholemeal bread.

To maximize the absorption of iron, make sure to increase your intake of foods rich in Vitamin C. This mineral is best found in lime, oranges, lemon, raw vegetables, tomato juice, strawberries, grapefruit, bell peppers and potatoes.

While it is good to take Vitamin C with iron, make sure not to take your iron supplement with calcium or calcium-containing antacids. According to research, calcium plays a vital role in preventing the absorption of iron to your body. In this connection, make sure not to take your milk with your iron supplements. Furthermore, don't take iron with teas and coffees. They contain polyphenols which hinder the absorption of iron to your body.

Get supplementation. Make sure that you and your baby gets the most nutrients. Folic acid plays a very important role in the baby's growth and development aside from being a precursor to the production of red blood cells. In fact, folic acid helps in preventing the occurrence of spina bifida and other neural tube defects in babies. Muesli, beans, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, beef and broccoli are excellent sources of folic acid.

Pregnancy And Anaemia - Learn About The Causes And Find Out What You Can Do   

Pros and Cons of Gender Selection Procedures

As technology progresses, scientific processes also develop fast. With modern equipments at the perusal of scientists these days, they are able to find solutions to problems which seemed impossible in the past. In the past, parents do not have the capacity to choose the gender of their babies. Even just the thought of having control in having a boy or a girl child is instantly dismissed by a regular individual since it is just plain unimaginable.

With the breakthroughs in science, with the help of modern technology, scientists and doctors have created procedures which made it a reality. There are now a lot of couples, individuals, and future parents who are very much willing to undergo certain procedures or try some methods so that they can conceive a child with a gender that they prefer. Sex selection processes have now become very popular since it presents a whole lot of benefits. On the other hand however, it also has its own sets of disadvantages.

Pros of Gender Selection

Having the capability of choosing the gender of your future child gives people of certain cultures and traditions a lot of benefits. It could not be denied that there are a lot of people who still believe that the male gender is more powerful in society as compared to the female. Though people these days are more open-minded, there are still those who have that mindset. Men are considered by some to have more power in the society. They are considered as head of families and are preferred as leaders in various sectors of the society.

Also, it could be an advantage to have a male child since he is able to inherit a clan's property in the future. It is also the male who is able to carry the family name after marriage which is considered a big advantage my most people nowadays. Some couple also now have the chance to have children of different genders. Some prefer to have a girl and boy children rather than having an all-girl or all-boy children.

Cons of Gender Selection

The first biggest disadvantage is that processes used by doctors to make sex selection possible have very high costs. In order to undergo these scientific procedures, one must be willing to spend a lot. You must at least have an above-average income in order to undergo processes like in vitro fertilization or IVF, pre-implantation, and the like. Though many qualify for those procedures, not all have the finances to afford them.

Another big disadvantage is that sex selection could cause an imbalance in the society. There are even countries that ban it because of this sole reason. It is also considered immoral or unethical by some groups and according to some studies, it could cause neglect to the lesser-preferred gender.

If you are planning to choose sex selection methods, take into consideration both the advantages and disadvantages that it can offer. Opinions on this aspect greatly vary so it is important that you first understand all the aspects involved before making the final decision.

Pregnancy And Anaemia - Learn About The Causes And Find Out What You Can Do   

What Is A Love Calculator?

Love is a big word and calculating its strength through a device might seem somewhat absurd. However, love calculator is a device that calculates the compatibility factor between the two people through their names. It gives a general idea about issues which are common and likely to give a picture of the most desired probability.

Estimates Love

A love calculator estimates the love factor between the two people by their names. Once you enter the names of the man and woman and press the calculate button, the compatibility between two people would get revealed by some algorithms. It might create a lot of excitement as you become interested in knowing the facts of relationship with your partner.

Source Of Entertainment

The online device is a source of fun and entertainment. You can enter any name of two different people and get the results. Though designed to know the compatibility between two people, it has become a great source of enjoyment. You can enter the names and get the output.

Likelihood Of Strengthening The Bond

Love calculator acts as a medium of creating and strengthening the bond between two people. It can help the relationship grow stronger and stable for when results are optimistic. It is also possible to secure the relationship in existence. It acts to build a good compatibility with partner.

Available In A Variety

There are a variety of online love calculators to give a general idea about the love and compatibility. In few cases, you have to enter the names. Some other devices takes into account the date of birth. The numbers often give a true picture of the status of love and relationship between two different people.

A New Beginning

Many people resort to love calculator before starting a new relationship. By filling the names, they get an idea about the likely survival of their relationships. With the names of the people entered on the calculator, an estimated idea about presence of love between two people gets known in easy terms.

Love calculator is one of the most explored and used online devices to know the facts about a relationship. Based on some mathematical formulae, it works according to the kind of alphabets entered in the spaces given. By checking the letters, it gives an idea about the amount of love existing or likely to exist between two people. Roughly, getting an idea about a relationship helps build or reinforce a mutual bond to last forever without any confusion.

Pregnancy And Anaemia - Learn About The Causes And Find Out What You Can Do   

How to Boost Your Fertility Levels With Fertility Foods

Infertility is on the rise and one of the major reasons as to why infertility has become such a dire problem is due to lack of intake of fertility foods. Proper nutrition and fertility go hand in hand and are directly proportional. Your fertility levels depend on the fact whether you have a healthy body and a healthy body weight. There are a lot of ways to increase your fertility levels. The best way is to follow a fertility diet plan that involves all the fertility boosting foods. You can also go for consuming minerals and vitamins through supplements that can help make your body healthier. There are a lot of prenatal vitamins and minerals present in the market and you can consult your doctor regarding which company makes the best one.

Obesity has become a major problem these days and obesity leads to irregular menstrual cycles which greatly increase the chances of miscarriage. The chances of a fertility treatment producing fast and positive results also weaken if the female is overweight. So the first thing that you should do if you are overweight is to lose weight. You should not lose weight through unhealthy means such as starving yourself or consuming medication to lose weight. You should start by exercising daily and eating healthy home cooked meals that consist of vegetables and proteins. Furthermore you should also make sure that you do not consume large portions. Eat frequently but try to eat smaller portions; this way you won't feel hungry and you will consume less food too.

The same goes for being underweight since if you are too skinny that can cause problems as well. The fat cells in your body are responsible for producing the female hormone estrogen and if your body doesn't have sufficient fat cells this will lead to an insufficient amount of estrogen in your body causes fertility problems. A few of the foods that you can intake to make sure that you are consuming a healthy diet includes the following things:

· Fish especially Roe which contains a high amount of Omega 3 which is a form of fatty acids that allows increase in fertility. Fish also includes B12 and Vitamin D.

· Egg Yolks contain a high amount of Vitamin A and Omega 3 which again are known to improve the fertility levels.

· Cod liver oil also contains Vitamin A and D, EPA and DHS which are all greatly for the female body.

Apart from this make sure you intake a healthy balanced fertility foods diet that contains grains, vegetables, dairy products and fruits apart from meat proteins as well.

Pregnancy And Anaemia - Learn About The Causes And Find Out What You Can Do   

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